In the early 1980’s a new musical – or perhaps more accurately: cultural – subgrene began to emerge, following the Post-Punk and New Wave movements: Gothic Rock was at the beginning of a whole subculture that would go on for many years, up into the 21st century.

One of the most prominent representatives of the genre was The Cure, with their frontman Robert Smith (the only band member to stay on over the course of the bands 44 years so far) steering the group to a slightly more pop-influenced course from about 1982, which greatly increased the commercial success of the band.

And while the video, featuring the band members stuffed into a giant wardrobe and playing various toy-instruments representing their actual individual craft, looks like it would have been fun to make, apparently it was hugely uncomfortable. Just imagine being confined to an extremely cramped space for twelve hours and then being thrown into a tank filled with 5000 litres of water…