There are few videos with such distinguished dances that a whole World of Warcraft race will forever be following suit (well, half a race, as the dances are gender-specific). Los Del Río’s “Macarena” was one such, or Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”. The single most recognisable dance-move, however, clearly goes the male orc. Or, well, to “M.C. Hammer” and his unforgettable “U Can’t Touch This”.

Released in 1990 the song features a sample of “Super Freak” by Rick Jones. And it looks as if history is repeating itself somewhat with me trying to educate the younger generation of VSHNeers here, as many of Hammer’s young listeners at the time were too young to know Jones’ song even though it was only 9 years old. The sample is used so prominently that a law suit ensued, ending with Jones being cited as a co-author and earning millions of dollars in royalties.

Even though Hammer lost some credibility in the rap community for incorporating too many pop and dance music elements he would have been set for life with the success of the song – had he not burned through seventy million dollars over the span of five years…